Premiere issue! Wrapping up 2020 and preparing for 2021. Link for a free gift inside!
Megan Braden-Perry Writer, Public Speaker, Mom
February/March: Imma Blame the Time Change and Mardi Nah

Thank you for subscribing to my monthly newsletter!

I'm blessed to have nearly 400 subscribers now! Thank you! Also that shows you how social media really gives you a fake sense of engagement, based on numbers of connections, because you would want to believe thousands of social media connections would mean thousands of newsletter subscribers. Not complaining, just observing since this is all part of my career.

Lavender matcha latte from Park Island Brew Coffee House Megan Braden-Perry

Here's What I've Been Working On

Megan Braden-Perry Bloom on Purpose Pep Holman Thais Mills


I've been working a lot these past months, and I'm so glad! In addition to writing for Apartment Therapy about how it feels to be a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, and for Parents Magazine about how to make Easter fun for kids, I've written for Hipcamp, have a huge story coming for Parents Magazine, and have a few stories for Delish coming that I've wanted to write for years.

The most exciting thing for me is that I've never pitched anyone. They've all come to me, and wow that says a lot about my work and about having friends in my field. Also it's beautiful that they've understood how the pandemic has me and so many others just a hot mess. I'd never missed a deadline before the pandemic, except for when I had double jaw surgery (unnecessary, LSU Dental just took advantage of the poor). As we know, to be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, and to be late is unacceptable. Thankful for editors who value my work, and for the God an'em always conspiring in my favor.


Franklin will be out of town for a little while, and I technically don't have any deadlines during that time. So I'm going to finally finish my manuscript of my mom's memoir, because I got love during the #PitMad Twitter pitching competition I told you about in December. but I was asked for my full manuscript and I just didn't have it.

Social Media

I am not a social media influencer, but maybe I am? I got paid handsomely for posting a photo at Whataburger! So I might dabble in this a bit, a little side hustle. Of course only posting things I love, and only if I get paid a few hundred. That's for national brands though. Imma still be me and post things I love for free, because what better way to show my support than by giving my faves free advertisement.

Please Review My Book
Please Review My Book
It's springtime! Therefore snowball season, AKA Crescent City Snow season! I'd certainly love your excellent reviews.

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Personal Life

Megan Braden-Perry fun day in spring

It's spring! My friends and I have been having fun doing lil drinks and dinner and lunch and brunch and coffee dates and so I'm having a fairly happy spring. Franklin loves being back in real school (last newsletter they were sent back to virtual and I was stressed, of course) and his SEL group is the best. He's only 6, but he's got emotional awareness that grownups don't have.

Also we have a cat now! Mr. Scratchy Pants, named by Franklin. They are so cute together! He tells him goodbye every day before school, and is able to help with the food and water.

Megan Braden-Perry Mr. Scratchy Pants

Since I done got "thick," I bought a Hydrow after getting a Best Buy credit card. Of course Best Buy didn't deliver it when they said they would (today), so I have to wait a little under two weeks to get it. It's cool though, I'll just eat or nap or something. Still gives me two weeks before my birthday (April 30) to get fine again.

On Valentine's Day, my favorite holiday, a dead man ended up being my valentine. Literally my best valentine ever was a dead man. Wow!

A lot of my joy comes from my bird friends, the birds who come to feast on the Pennington Ultra Fruit and Nut Blend I put on the window sill. Mockingbirds, sparrows, blue jays, cardinals, all sorts of birds who come to hang out while I'm working in my office.

Megan Braden-Perry blue jay

My credit score went up a couple hundred points since this time last year, thanks to Mr. Credit Fix Guy! I applied for a grant to start the nonprofit I've been wanting to start since I was in college, so I'm praying I get it. Was gonna vent about some things that upset me, but if I do that I just give it power. Almost always better to be drove quietly. Looking forward to next month's newsletter, and thanks again for subscribing!


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